BJ’s Mobile Gift Shop (Jason Park, 2021) A young Korean-American hustler runs throughout the city of Chicago making sales out of his “mobile gift shop”. (12 minutes)
Snowy (Alexander W. Lewis and Kaitlyn Schwalje, 2021) Snowy, the 4-inch-long pet turtle of the filmmakers’ uncle, has lived an isolated life in the family basement for over 10 years. With minimal sunlight, Snowy has no companionship other than that of his primary caretaker, Uncle Larry. Can Snowy be happy and what would it take? (12 minutes)
By the Time I Reach Him (Walsh, 2021) Meg Walsh (STC, ’17) grapples with their father’s rapid memory loss along with the physical and emotional distance between them. (4 minutes)
All Cats Are Gray in the Dark (Lasse Linder, 2019) Meet Christian (“Cat Man”), and his two cats, Marmelade and Katjuscha, who accompany him almost everywhere. Christian prepares for the arrival of Marmelade’s kittens, eagerly anticipated additions to this unconventional family. (17 minutes)
Das Spiel (Roman Hodel, 2020) World-class soccer referee Fedayi San deftly handles the pressures of a top-tier soccer match as his elderly father watches from the stands. (17 minutes)